Old school WAP sites (#alternatives)
Lite • Last Update 09/04/2024
All these pages work well with Opera 8 HTTPS/HTTP and Opera 7.1 on symbian OS in (HTTP/HTTP). In Symbian Opera 12 it works with HTTP, it has expired certificates, there is nothing that can be done because they are on the server. With Symbian native browser you need "Updated Certificates"
Note: some pages may not work in opera 12 "you can use the proxy Web:
(ID: user Password: mobi)
- proxysite (http)
- Duckproxy (http)
- Veesta (http)
• Weblight:
- txtdot (https)
• Search:
- duckduckgo html/Lite (https)
- Google (http)
- Whoogle (https)
- Yandex (http)
- Onesearch (http) Only opera 12 + Others browser)
- Mojeek (https)
- wiby (http)
- nigma (http)
- LibreX (https)
- MarginaliaSearch (https)
- Frogfind (http)
• alternative anonymous Google Search):
- searGX (http)
Note: Whoogle is a alternative with proxy not to be tracked by google
• Twitter:
• With [RSS]:
- privacydev (https)
Note: The search no longer works, only by direct account ID
• Network
- Jabber web (http)
- Irc web (http)
• MPgram web (for telegram):
- Mpgram / Mpgram2 (http) by @shinovon
- wunderwungiel (http) by @WunderW_PL
• Mastodon:
- Brutaldon (mastodon) (https login) for old browser Opera 12 (login old aouth)
- ok.ru (http)
- ARGim (http)
• youtube:
- Iteroni (http)
- lilay (http)
Others Alternatives:
- Cloudtube (http)
Note: You hace that adding here instance of invidious & only old android /symbian with opera 12
- Bitview (pc) (online)
/ (mode móvil) (http)
old yt 2009 gui https:
- Old YT (https)
- YT orender (https)
• E-mail (web):
- Mail ru (http)
- Yandex mail (http)
Mode of preview:
• Weather:
- meteum (http)
- Weather (http)
- Lunar weather (http)
• Convert Online:
- convert online (https)
- clipconvertert (http)
- Y2mate (http)
- yt1s (https)
- x2ya (http) (vk/youtube) (register)
YT only download audio in 128kbps max
For more options:
- Getvideo (http)
• Instagram:
- Picnob (https)
- pickuki (http)
•RSS tool:
- Twitch stream RSS generator (http)
- rsshub (https)
Note: only rss telegram With RSSHub
1 Get the name of a public channel
2 Replace [channel] in the
following URL
For example, the feed URL of
durov (founder of telegram) is:
• Bridge:
- Rss multi bridge / (instances) (https)
(Múltiple rss bridge convinator rss and +)
- weloverss (https)
simple web rss export/import +(with register)
- frogrss (http)
With register
• Paste txt:
- pastetxt (https)
• Image search:
- FlickRiver (for flickr (http)
- Binternet (pinterest (Instances) (http)
- pinvibe (pinteres - (https)
- Artofit (search pinterest (https)
- Pixiv (https)
- Priviblur (alternative to Tumblr (Instances) (https)
- Tumbig (https)
• Imgur (https)
(This is used to correctly open images in official imgur, for that replace imgur.com with the domain:
• Search and upload reverse image:
- SauceNAO (anime) (https)
- ascii2d (http)
- iqdb (anime) (http)
- Img Izzy (http)
• Reddit:
- old reddit / np (http)
- lobste.rs (https)
- raddle.me (https)
• Maps:
- Navitel: Server 1/Server 2 (http Only Opera 12)
- OpenstreetMap (http only Opera 12)
• Gif:
- ezgif (https)
- GifSearch (https)
Pages for Edit Photos:
• Here is a good web page to work photos from the web with old
- photofunia (https)
- Picasion (http)
- Caption (http)
- Glitterfy (http)
- Lunapic (https)
• Translate:
- yandex translate (http)
- Imtranslate (http)
- Translate wap (lite) (http)
• Wikipedia:
- Wikiless (EN) / Wikiless (RU) (http)
- Wikipedia (http)
- Wikipedia marginalia (https)
Only texto search
- Proxy http oldnet for wikipedia (http)
• others tools:
- mobilefish multi tools (https)
- Wayback classic (http)
- Multisearch bar / version classic (http)
- img multi tools (http)
- 4chan old (http)
You must put
http://boards.4channel.org + /word/ of the table to see example: http://boards.4channel.org/vm/
• Search music ect:
- Genius
Note: If genius does not have a search bar you can add this link to the search bar
- Gnoosic (recommen music (http)
- chartsLyric (http)
• New lite:
- News lite (http)
- NRP lite news (english)
- CBC lite (English)
- LegibleNews (English)
- cnn lite (english)
- csmonitor (english)
• Ftp:
- txftp (2008) (http)
• html test:
- Flash network test (http/https)
- html5test (https)
Supported protocols:
- gemini:// (http)
- spartan:// (http)
- text:// (http)
- finger:// (http)
• Gopher (https)
• Gopher floodgap (http)
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Made 🏵 by @L_absence_amour & Pavel.S
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