
The tutorial in others langs:







Update 15/05/2023

As mentioned on October 20, 2020, yahoo announced that it would change the login method for unofficial email clients.

Now yahoo requires a short login number token which serves as a password to login to unofficial clients, for that you need to generate it by logging into your yahoo account, no otp is needed here, after login in modern browser go to this link to start generating startup token:


(if it does not redirect you go to »


(if it asks you to log in again in yahoo do it) then go to Under everything I chose the third-party application that you will log in. Then put a password and hit the "generate" button (this password is to generate the random password token that yahoo will give you to log in to third-party applications, you have to copy this random number token goes in your client's password box)

If the page is not displayed you can use the compressed mode of opera mini)

Server type: IMAP

Incoming mail server (IMAP)

Server: imap.mail.yahoo.com

Port: 993

Requires SSL: Yes

Outgoing mail server (SMTP)

Server: smtp.mail.yahoo.com

Port: 465 or 587

Requires SSL: Yes

Authentication required - Yes

Your login information

Mail address

email: your email address

full email


Password: Generate a

password for the application

Authentication required - Yes

Server type: POP

POP configuration for

yahoo mail

Incoming mail server (POP)

Server: pop.mail.yahoo.com

Port: 995

Requires SSL: Yes

Outgoing mail server (SMTP)

Server: smtp.mail.yahoo.com

Port: 465 or 587

Requires SSL: Yes

Requires TLS: Yes (if it is


Authentication Required: Yes

Your login details

Email address: your

Email address



Password: password of your


Authentication Required: Yes




IMPORTANT: from May 2022 gmail can no longer be used by third-party apps without encryption to save the ordeal use opera mini web that can be optional for old browsers, that or activate 2fa to use with non-secure applications with extra one-time password...

how to activate?

1) First go to your google account and log in as usual..

And in setting in the "security" section of the same activate 2fa going to the option: "2-step verification" >


And log in again.

2) Once logged in, this screen should appear

Click on it blue button "Start" > in the next box log in again with your same password and then In the next menu below where it says "show more options" and from there you choose a gmail authentication method. "I recommend for SMS by phone number"... don't forget to give a number to the account if you don't have one.... If you don't choose "show more" below and choose another method without phone number

3) once the SMS arrives, you verify it and that's it.

4) Once this is done, you return to the menu


and now by having 2fa activated you can see under "application passwords" (this is activated when you activate 2fa in gmail with sms or another method as we explained in point 2 without having to use sms the same as yahoo or mail.ru)

5) Now when you entered "app passwords" (put the password again of your account) > next > (once this is done choose under app passwords option for use destination for use password, pull down the menu first), in this case you choose "mail", and in the second sliding menu you choose "other" a box will open where you will put the name of the app or device.

6) finish and the app will give you a unique token for a single use like mail.ru and yahoo... unfortunately it is a single use, you will have to generate others in the course of use for each client you decide to use.

Note: Go to the settings section of your Google account on the app or device you're trying to set up. Replace your password with the 16-character password shown above.

Just like the normal password, this app password offers full access to your Google account. You won't have to remember it, so don't write it down or share it with anyone.

IMAP configuration: 

Server type: IMAP

Incoming mail server: imap.gmail.com

Incoming port: 993

Entry security: SSL

Outgoing mail server: smtp.gmail.com

Outgoing port: 465

Exit security: SSL

Requires login: yes

Server type: POP

Incoming mail server: pop.gmail.com

Incoming port: 995

TLS: yes ,if available

Entry security: SSL


authentication: yes

port for



If you use Gmail

with an account

from your work or


educational, ask

the settings

SMTP correct to





requires tls 1.2 so to log in to third-party clients without these capabilities you will have to use 2fa over otp or another method that will be explained in 2 steps later, first things first, email with 2fa over otp:

1) go and log in with a modern browser at


2) to create a two factor password go to

https://account.live.com/proofs/manage/additional?mkt=en-GB&refd=account.microsoft.com&refp=security then re-enter your password

Note: if you do not have a phone number, it may be the first time that you will be asked to verify your identity with another email and you will have to wait 30 days to sit down to be able to use this option, because since you didn't have a phone number before, it happens like this... a whole issue.
Finally, when the 30 days have elapsed, you can activate it by email or phone number.

3) Download an OTP app for you asha or symbian here:


4) Once downloaded on the same security configuration website, go to

Email settings: under "2-step verification", select from the list to log in with obsolete devices such as Blackberry, a qr code will be generated which you will have to lower the table in the form of an arrow downwards in the form of qr and copy that letter token in the otp of your nokia. OTP > options > add > select > secret key code "put the letter token in that box > in the second box "profile name" the name that you want to put and the codes will be generated "you put that code in the account to bajo" and you verify it that way and you will already have 2fa activated...

IMAP email configuration (better than using pop):

Server type: IMAP

Incoming mail server: imap-mail.outlook.com

Incoming port: 993

Entry security: SSL

Outgoing mail server: smtp-mail.outlook.com

Outgoing port: 587

Exit security: none

Requires login: yes


 you want to use POP to access your email in

Outlook.com, you'll first need to enable POP


1. Select Settings > View all Outlook settings >

Mail > Sync email .

2. Under POP and IMAP, select Yes under Let

devices and apps use POP .

3. Select Save .

Extra (to log in with symbian os and android 2.2 under these settings can be used:)

IMAP4: imap-legacy.office365.com

Puerto: 993 / SSL TLS

POP3: pop-legacy.office365.com

Puerto: 995 / SSL TLS

SMTP: smtp-legacy.office365.com:465 / SSL

/ smtp-legacy.office365.com

puerto: 587 / STARTTLS




To also log in with third-party clients because it is no longer possible with TLS 1.1 and 1.0, see the following:

1) log into a common old browser from the past or any other by accessing the common page:


(light) login.

2) go to this link:


go to the section "password for application" > add > "put app name" > continue > then "the account password again" and verify with the image captcha that you are not a robot and "continue".

3) at the end of the browser, it will give you an api token of letters and numbers for that application (remember that this key token is for a single use, it is like the method used by yahoo that is used to log in third-party applications, so you You must generate other passwords for each application)

Note: You can use mail.ru use the wap web in opera mini directly with:


Setting IMAP: 

IMAP Server


IMAP port 993

IMAP security SSL / TLS

IMAP username Your full email


IMAP password Your Mail.ru



SMTP Server


SMTP port 465

SMTP security SSL / TLS

SMTP username Your full email


SMTP password Your Mail.ru


Setting POP: 

Mail.ru POP3



POP3 port 995

POP3 security SSL



Your full email




Your Mail.ru




Yandex Mail:

For those who want to connect Yandex Mail to a Symbian phone (and in general on any device with IMAP / SMTP access): do not forget to enable IMAP access in the settings:

1. Go here

https://mail.yandex.ru/?uid=<your ID in Yandex>#setup/client

and enable IMAP

For some unknown reason, IMAP access was disabled for me, although email used to work (and yesterday I found that the account on the phone does not read mail from the server). Perhaps Yandex reset these settings relatively recently.

2. Create a password for an application with access to IMAP, POP and SMTP


3. Add an account to the phone (depending on the phone - using Mailbox Creator or a standard client) with parameters

login/user: xxxxxx@yandex.ru

Setting IMAP:

incoming mail:

mail server address - imap.yandex.com

connection security - SSL


outgoing mail:

mail server address - smtp.yandex.com

connection security - SSL

port - 465