Old school WAP sites (#alternatives)
Lite • Last Update 26/01/2025
All these pages work well with Opera 8 HTTPS/HTTP and Opera 7.1 on symbian OS in (HTTP/HTTP). In Symbian Opera 12 it works with HTTP, it has expired certificates, there is nothing that can be done because they are on the server. With Symbian native browser you need "Updated Certificates"
Note: some pages may not work in opera 12 "you can use the proxy Web:
(ID: user Password: mobi)
- proxysite (http)
- onlineproxy (http)
- Anonproxy (http)
- Snoopblocker (http)
- Veesta (http)
• Weblight:
- txtdot (https)
• Search:
- duckduckgo html/Lite (https)
- Google (http)
- Yandex (http)
- Whoogle (https)
- Mojeek (https)
- wiby (http)
- LibreX (https)
- Old Marginalia WebSearch (https)
- New MarginaliaSearch (https)
- Searnxg (http)
- Atlas search (https)
- Alexandria (https)
- clew se (https)
- search my site (http)
- peekr (https)
- Frogfind (http)
• Twitter:
• With [RSS]:
- Twiiit (https)
Note: The search no longer works, only by direct account ID
• Network
- Irc web (http)
• MPgram web (for telegram):
- Mpgram arman (http)
- WunderGram (http)
- Jabber telegram (http)
To use mpgram web you must have a certain seniority in telegram and have used official telegram.
• Mastodon:
- Brutaldon (mastodon) (https login) for old browser Opera 12 (login old aouth) (http)
- Imood (https)
- ok.ru (https)
- ARGim (http)
• TxT2speech:
- TxT2speech (https)
- TxTMp3 (https)
- Pediaphon (http)